BROAD SPECTRUM AUTISM ..., EDITORIAL, IN MY LIFEKristin ChalmersAlison & Duncan Niederauer- CEO of the New York Stock Exchange, Autism Speaks, Bill Telepan - Chef, Billy Harris, Billy Mann, Billy Mann and Genna Mann, Bob and Suzanne Wright, Bob and Suzanne Wright - Founders of Autism Speaks, Chefs, Christopher Plummer, David Glazer - google, Genna Mann, Google Glass New York Stock Exchange, Heaven On Seven, Jacquelyn Jablonski, Jamie Bissonette -, Jimmy Bannos Chef and Owner, Jimmy Bannos Jr of the Purple Pig, Jimmy Bradley Chef and Owner, Liz Field - President of Autism Speaks, Masaharu Morimoto - Executive Chef, Mel Karmazin, Morimoto, Nikki M- James, NYC, NYSE, Red Cat, Robert DeNiro, Robert DeNiro and Grace Hightower, Spike Mendelson - Bearnaise, Sue and Dan Herera, Ted Allen, Ted Allen - Host of Chopped, Telepan Restaurant, Toro, Wall Street, Wylie Dufresne - chef wd~50 and Alder